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Migaku MPV User's Guide

Migaku MPV is a plugin for the MPV Video Player that allows you to play videos of any format with the Immerse with Migaku Browser extension.

Migaku MPV User's Guide

Table of Contents


Migaku MPV is a plugin for the video player MPV that allows the use of all local video files with the Migaku Browser extension. Playing videos from several websites is also supported through youtube-dl. To use it please first install the Migaku Dictionary and the Migaku Browser Extension.

We hope you find this project helpful! If you are in a position where you are financially able please consider supporting the Migaku Team! Our software projects take thousands of hours to build, update, and maintain and we are only able to continue our work thanks to our supporters! We are deeply and humbly grateful to everyone who decides to support Migaku!

MPV Installation

If you already have MPV version 0.33.0 or newer installed you can skip this section.

MPV Installation (Windows)

  1. Download the latest MPV release for your system from here (64 bit or 32 bit folder, then uppermost file).
  2. Create a folder called mpv.
  3. Extract the contents of the downloaded .7z file into the newly created folder using 7-zip or WinRAR.
  4. Cut and paste the mpv folder to the location where you want MPV to be installed. The recommended location is C:/Program Files/.
  5. Navigate into the installer folder inside the mpv folder.
  6. Right click on mpv-install.bat and click on Run as administrator.
  7. Once the installer finishes hit enter. A system settings window opens where you can set MPV as your default video player. This step is optional.
  8. Run MPV at least once to create the config folder which will be located at %appdata%/mpv/. [mpv config folder] the following guides will refer to this folder.

MPV Installation (macOS)

  1. Download the latest MPV release from here.
  2. Click onto the downloaded .tar file to extract it.
  3. Open the newly extracted folder. Its name should start with mpv-.
  4. Copy the mpv application from that folder into your mac's Applications folder.
  5. From there right click the mpv application and press Open in the context menu.
  6. A warning popup should appear. Click Open. After this you can launch MPV regularly from the Launchpad.
  7. The MPV config directory will be created at ~/.config/mpv/. You can always easily reach it by using Go->Go to Folder... in Finder. [mpv config folder] the following guides will refer to this folder.

MPV Installation (Linux)

MPV is available in most Linux package managers. Make sure you install version 0.33.0 or later. If such a version is not available on your distribution see here for all install options available including a PPA for Debian and Ubuntu users.

Start MPV at least once to create the config folder which will be located at ~/.config/mpv/. [mpv config folder] the following guides will refer to this folder.

MPV Uninstallation

MPV Uninstallation (Windows)

  1. Navigate to the installer folder inside the mpv folder where you installed MPV.
  2. Right click on mpv-uninstall.bat and click on Run as administrator.
  3. Remove the mpv folder and optionally the [mpv config folder] to remove all configuration.

MPV Uninstallation (macOS)

  1. Navigate to the Applications folder.
  2. Right click onto mpv and click on Move to Bin.
  3. Delete the [mpv config folder] to remove all configuration.

MPV Uninstallation (Linux)

  1. Remove MPV using your package manager or according to your install method.
  2. Delete the [mpv config folder] to remove all configuration.

MPV Configuration

Download this mpv.conf file and place it in your [mpv config folder]. Open the file with a text editor. It contains several useful options with instructions on how to enable them.

If you want to use the same hotkeys that work on the subtitle browser on the MPV window, download this input.conf file and place it in your [mpv config folder]. This is recommended.

For a full guide on mpv refer to its manual.


Installation (Windows)

Note: Currently Migaku MPV will not work on Windows versions older than Windows 10.

  1. Open the explorer and navigate to %appdata%/mpv/.
  2. Create a folder called scripts if it does not exist yet.
  3. Extract the migaku_mpv folder from the latest release into the scripts folder.
  4. [migaku_mpv folder] in the following guide refers to the just extracted migaku_mpv folder which should be located at %appdata%/mpv/scripts/migaku_mpv/.

Installation (macOS)

  1. Open Finder and open Go->Go to Folder... from the menu bar, then enter ~/.config/mpv/ and press Go.
  2. Create a folder called scripts if it does not exist yet.
  3. Extract the migaku_mpv folder from the latest release into the scripts folder.
  4. [migaku_mpv folder] in the following guide refers to the just extracted migaku_mpv folder which should be located at ~/.config/mpv/scripts/migaku_mpv/. You can always easily reach it with Go->Go to Folder... in Finder.
  5. When running MPV with the Migaku MPV plugin installed for the first time you may get security warnings that applications are opened. Press Open on all of these popups.

Installation (Linux)

  1. Install ffmpeg from your package manager. The command ffmpeg must be available globally.
  2. Install python 3.x from your package manager. The command python3 must be available globally.
  3. Open your file manager and navigate to ~/.config/mpv/.
  4. Create a folder called scripts if it does not exist yet.
  5. Extract the migaku_mpv folder from the latest release into the scripts folder.
  6. [migaku_mpv folder] in the following guide refers to the just extracted migaku_mpv folder which should be located at ~/.config/mpv/scripts/migaku_mpv/.
  7. Execute the command sudo python3 -m pip install -r ~/.config/mpv/scripts/migaku_mpv/requirements.txt from a terminal. Enter your password if you are requested to do so.


  1. Delete the [migaku_mpv folder]. Migaku MPV does not store any data outside this folder.


  1. Uninstall Migaku MPV
  2. Follow the Installation guide for your operating system.


Opening the subtitle browser

  1. First open the media file you want to watch along with the subtitles you want to use.
  2. Select the correct audio and subtitle by either clicking the speech bubble/subtitle icons in the bottom right corner or by pressing the # / j keys.
  3. Press the b key to open the subtitle browser.

Using the subtitle browser

  1. Make sure the Migaku Browser Extension toolbar is enabled.
  2. Select the language you want to use, select the desired options and press Parse in the toolbar.
  3. Use the Anki and Search buttons just like when using the browser extension on Netflix.


Note: These hotkeys apply to the subtitle browser, not the MPV window unless you set the input.conf file as described here.

  • Space : Pause/Unpause the video
  • a / : Seek to last subtitle
  • d / : Seek to next subtitle
  • s / : Seek to the start of the current subtitle
  • w / v / : Toggle subtitle visibility
  • q : Export current subtitle to Anki
  • e : Search unknown words in current subtitle in Migaku Dictionary

Loading web videos

MPV supports playing web videos from several websites using youtube-dl. However, a modified version of that project called yt-dlp exists with slightly more supported websites. We will install that into MPV.

On Windows download this file and place it in your mpv installation folder (Where mpv.exe is. If you used the recommended location from this guide this is C:/Program Files/mpv/) and then rename the downloaded file from yt-dlp.exe to youtube-dl.exe.

On macOS or Linux open a terminal and execute these two commands:

sudo curl -L https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

Once you have set up youtube-dl you can copy urls from many video websites to your clipboard and then press y in the MPV window to load it. Alternatively you can press Shift+y to queue it to play.

Then you can use the subtitle browser after selecting a subtitle track as usual.

A list of websites supported by yt-dlp can be found here. Be aware that this list isn't always up to date as websites often get updated which can break youtube-dl support. Whenever MPV closes itself after attempting to load a web video, chances are that youtube-dl or yt-dlp doesn't support it at the moment.

Also be aware that subtitle files from websites can be in unusual formats which may cause them to not be loaded correctly into the subtitle browser. In this case you can conact us in #migaku-mpv on our Discord server and we will look into supporting that website!

Subtitle styling in the MPV window

Subtitles in the MPV window can be styled exactly like in the subtitle brower by clicking the ⟳ MPV Subs button. This supports all styling features available for any languages supported by the browser extension like word status underlining, 1T highlighting and pitch/tone/gender coloring.

For this to work properly you need to specify what font to use for subtitles in the configuration file. Refer to this section for how to set it up.

Subtitle retiming

If an external subtitle file you want to use is not in sync with the video you can retime it before opening the subtitle browser.

  1. Press Shift+b to open the automatic retiming menu.
  2. Select a reference track for the resyncing process using the arrow keys ( / ).
  3. Press Enter to start the process. Depending on the media files and your system this can take up to a minute but usually finishes in about 5 seconds for a regular 25 minute show.
  4. This will create a subtitle file in the same folder as the input subtitle file with the suffix _resynced which is automatically loaded into MPV once the process is finished.

If the automatic syncing does not create an acceptable result or fails to select the original subtitle track. Then you can use z and Shift+z to manually change the offset of the subtitles.


To configure Migaku MPV open the migaku_mpv.cfg file inside [migaku_mpv folder] with a text editor. Please only edit the texts after the equals characters (=). On Linux chromium works if it is available as a global command.


To change the browser Migaku MPV uses find the browser key. The value default will use the system's default browser setup to open websites. chrome and edge will force using the respective browser.

Advanced: You can specify the exact command that will be used to open websites in the browser field. %s will be replaced by the target url. End the command with & to force async execution which you most likely want. Example: /usr/bin/chromium %s &

Subtitle styling

Subtiles generated with ⟳ MPV Subs will use styling specified using the following properties:

sub_font_name specifies what font to use. This setting is important. If the font you specified isn't found, spacing calculations will be off!

For asian languages we recommend using the Noto Sans fonts (Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese).

On some systems you might have to specify the font weight in sub_font_name. If the styling looks wrong, try to append Regular to the font name you specified. Example Arial -> Arial Regular.

Modify sub_font_size to set the font size. sub_bottom_margin modifies the distance from the bottom of the mpv window to the first subtitle line. sub_outline_size and sub_shadow_offset modifies the outline and shadow styling of the font. All numeric values are relative to a window height of 720p.

Export Media Quality and Format

You can configure the quality of the images and audio that are exported for your Anki cards.

Image dimensions can be set by changing the anki_image_width and anki_image_height settings. These values are in pixels. The aspect ratio of images is always preserved. You can set anki_image_width or anki_image_height to auto which causes the value to be calculated from the other value and the aspect ratio. If both values are set to auto the exported image size will match the size of the video you are watching. The format that is used for image can be changed with anki_image_format. The recommended format is jpg but you can also choose png for better quality, but larger file size images.

The format used for audio can be set with anki_audio_format. It is recommended you leave the default value wav and you enable Convert Extension Audio to MP3 in Migaku Dictionary.

Advanced Configuration

  • reuse_last_tab controls if a previous subtitle browser tab is reused when opening it. Values: yes / no.
  • reuse_last_tab_timeout controls the time in seconds after which tab reusal attempts time out and a new tab is opened.
  • host and port control the location that is used to host the subtitle browser while MPV is running.
  • skip_empty_subs will remove empty subtitles from the browser when set to yes.
  • subtitle_export_timeout controls the timeout in seconds after which export of internal subtitles times out.
  • ffmpeg can set an override path to ffmpeg. If it is not set, first the application is searched in [migaku_mpv folder], then in [migaku_mpv folder]/ffmpeg/ and finally system wide.
  • ffsubsync can set an override path to ffsubsync. If it is not set, first the application is searched in [migaku_mpv folder], then in [migaku_mpv folder]/ffsubsync/ and finally system wide.
  • rubysubs can set an override path to rubysubs. If it is not set, first the application is searched in [migaku_mpv folder], then in [migaku_mpv folder]/rubysubs/ and finally system wide.